2018. 3. 9.
옥한흠 목사님의 <고통의 의미 Meaning of suffering> 아마존 킨들에서
Author. John Han Heum OakTransration. Andrew Dong Sup Chung 은보 옥한흠 목사님의 옥고를 이제 '아마존 킨들'에서 만나실 수 있습니다. 1988년에 쓰여진 옥 목사님의 가 영문으로 번역되어 아마존 킨들에 등록되었습니다~ " If Martyn Lloyd-Jones was the greatest preacher for the 20th century, John Oak was the most respected pastor and the greatest expository preacher Korea has ever produced." Rev. John Han-Heum Oak was born in 1938 in South Kyongnam Province, South K..